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What is Bros ? How Bros work ? Do I need to pay to use Bros ? Can Bros Team develop a specific application for me ? I'm a developer.
Can I work together Bros Team ?
Bros means Browser Operational System and provides your computer on the cloud.

Bros is a truly operational system that runs inside all of modern browsers (Google Chrome, FireFox, IE (10), Safari and Opera).

Bros provides to you a complete environment like any other operational system, and starts with basic applications, with things such as:

  • Install and Run applications;
  • File System to store your files with integration capability with other File Systems (e.g. Dropbox);
  • Personalize appearance;
  • And much more...
Bros is an operational system builded with pure javascript that performs almost all of basic tasks of a conventional operational system.

Once running with sign-in, you will be on your Bros computer like any regular computer.

Bros runs on desktops and mobile devices as well.

So, for example, if you register a new contact on Bros People application this contact will be available wherever you launch Bros (including your mobiles).

Similarly, if you install a new application on Bros it will be available wherever you launch Bros as well.

NO !

Bros is completely free to use.

Using Bros for free some advertisement can be shown (sorry) where our livelihood money shall come.

The only you will need to buy is, eventually, applications that are not free on Bros Store or the applications you ask for Bros Team to develop specifically for you.

Of course yes !

Bros Team will be happy to help you developing specific application for you or your Company.

Bros Team can develop any kind of Bros application using different Data Base technonogies you want.

Doing this you can use the developed application whereever you want using Bros in your desktops, mobiles or portable data collectors.

We can, also, install all Bros infrastructure into your environment so you can run Bros into your intranet or use Bros offline.

Feel free to contact us !

Welcome !

Bros provides to you a complete framework to you for developing new applications.

Bros Application Learning Center offers to you a comprehensive documentation of all API Bros functions with examples that you can run on the fly.

Bros Application Builder provides a visual tool to simplify your build window jobs.

You can build any kind of application for personal, business or entertainment purposes.

Send us your developed applications and make money with Bros ! (contact us).


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